Case Report – Improving Vision in Two Nystagmus Patients


This case report presents the clinical outcomes of two patients with congenital Nystagmus, who underwent the RevitalVision therapy program.



Nystagmus is an involuntary rhythmic oscillation of the eyes, which leads to reduced vision due to the excessive motion of images on the retina.

While there is no cure for nystagmus, current treatment options include surgery, medication and optical correction, aiming to enhance vision, reduce involuntary eye movements, correct the head positioning and decrease strabismus.



RevitalVision is a prescribed, home-based perceptual-learning vision-training software program, clinically & scientifically proven to improve vision by enhancing the brain’s visual processing. Several randomized controlled studies have proven its efficacy in improving visual functions in amblyopia beyond the critical age (1-3), and in a variety of eye diseases and visual impairments, including albinism (4) low myopia and presbyopia (5)

Three ongoing controlled randomized studies are taking place at Shamir Medical Center in Israel evaluating RevitalVision efficacy in improving best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and contrast sensitivity function (CSF) in patients with congenital nystagmus age 9-55, in patients with amblyopia age 9-55, and in patients stable Keratoconus age 18-55.


Following a baseline vision exam, the patient performed 60 home vision training sessions during a 4-month period, 3-4 sessions weekly. Each training session lasted approximately 30 minutes. The patient returned to the clinic for a follow-up vision exam at 6 weeks,12 and 18 weeks. The patient was trained binocularly with their BC eyewear.



Patient 1

Female-24 y

Patient 2

Male – 46 y

Treated eye RE LE RE LE
Surgical background None None None None
Optical correction type glasses glasses glasses glasses
Distance BCVA before treatment 0.5 LogMar


6/19 Snellen

0.5 LogMar


6/19 Snellen

0.5 (-1) LogMar


6/19 (-1) Snellen

0.5 LogMar


6/19 Snellen

Distance BCVA after treatment 0.2 (-2) LogMar


6/9.5 ( -2)

0.2 (-1) LogMar


6/9.5 ( -1)

0.3 (-2) LogMar


6/12 (-2) Snellen

0.3 (-2) LogMar


6/9 (-2) Snellen

Distance BCVA improvement 2.5 lines


2.5 lines


2 lines


2.5 lines


Near BCVA before treatment J6 (-2) J2 (-2) J3 (-1) J2
Near BCVA after treatment J1 (-3) J1 (-2) J2 J1+ (-1)
Near BCVA improvement 4.5 lines 1 line 1 line 2 lines
Contrast sensitivity improvement in FACT sine wave 155% 193% 75 % 59%



Improvement Summary:

  • Distance BCVA improvement: 2 lines LogMar
  • Near BCVA improvement: 2.1 lines LogMar
  • CSF improvement: 168 % F.A.C.T sine wave

The two patients reported an overall subjective improvement in vision and achieving sufficient vision to qualify for a driver’s license.


This case report demonstrates the successful use of the RevitalVision software program in improving functional vision in two nystagmus patients.  The patients experienced an improvement in visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and subjective visual functions. These findings highlight the potential benefits of this program in improving vision and quality of life for Nystagmus patients beyond available eye treatments.



  1. Zhong J at al. Effects of Perceptual Learning on Deprivation Amblyopia in Children with Limbal Dermoid: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Clin Med. 2022 Mar 28;11(7):1879. doi: 10.3390/jcm11071879. PMID: 35407483; PMCID: PMC8999262
  2. Yalcin at al. Efficacy of perceptual vision therapy in enhancing visual acuity and contrast sensitivity function in adult hypermetropic anisometropic amblyopia. Clinical Ophthalmology 2014:8 49–53
  3. Polat at al. Improving vision in adult amblyopia by perceptual learning. PNAS 2004 www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0401200101
  4. Battaglini L at al. Perceptual learning improves visual functions in patients with albinistic bilateral amblyopia: A pilot study. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2021;39(1):45-59. doi: 10.3233/RNN-201043. PMID: 33554927.
  5. Durrie at al. computer -based primary visual cortex training for treatment of low myopia and early presbyopia. – Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc / Vol 105/ 2007



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