Cataract multifocal lens problems 

When one begins to feel a loss of vision for near or feels as if he is seeing through a frosty window or is experiencing difficulty driving (especially at night) it is time to turn to an Eye Doctor for a thorough examination. The above signs are classic Cataract symptoms, through Cataract multifocal lens problems might present with similar symptoms as well.

Cataract is a surgery in which the natural, foggy lens is exchanged by an artificial clear lens. A multifocal artificial implant is a good choice.

To learn more on how to improve your  vision after cataract surgery go to our Post Cataract Surgery program

Cataract is a result of a buildup of protein in the natural intraocular lens. This usually accrues as a result of age but may be affected by trauma as well. The lens shape changes and transforms into a thicker lens which is cloudy and inflexible resulting in impaired blurry vision.
We all have high expectations regarding our vision and seek the best and most updated treatment in order to achieve renewed sight. Good vision is necessary for a higher quality of life and a feeling of freedom.
The quality of Vision has an impact on the way a person experiences his day-to-day life. Choosing a correct type of an implanted lens (IOL) in addition to other details selected for the lens needs careful planning and collaboration between the ophthalmologist and the patient and has an important effect on one’s visual experience. It also can prevent cataract multifocal lens problems.

RevitalVision can help resolve issues after cataract surgery. Completing the RevitalVision program may result in an average improvement of up to 150% in contrast sensitivity and an improvement of 2.5 lines on the Snellen chart.

To learn more on how to improve your  vision after cataract surgery go to our Post Cataract Surgery program



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vision after cataract surgery