Driving a Heavy Motorcycle with Amblyopia – a Case Report

I would like to share an interesting case report of a 55-year-old male with anisometropic amblyopia.
The patient, who could not qualify to drive a heavy motorcycle due to poor vision in his amblyopic eye, improved his vision and passed the vision test required to qualify for a heavy motorcycle license : 6/12 (20/40) OU, which was his lifelong dream!

Report Summary:
Born with high anisometropia, the patient underwent standard patching treatments in childhood for his amblyopic left eye, However he admits he was non-compliant and regularly removed the patch or “looked under and over it”.

Following a baseline vision exam, the patient began the RevitalVision home-based vision-training program and returned to the clinic for a follow-up exam every 20 training sessions. The patient trained monocularly (LE) with contact lenses and completed a total of 60 sessions.

RE -2.75/-0.50 x121
LE +4.75/-2.50 x85

Baseline examination:
Distance VA: RE: 6/6 / 20/20
LE: 6/12 (-2) / 20/40 (-2)
Near VA:       RE: J1+
LE: J5

Stereopsis:   400 SOA
Worth 4 Dot: Suppression

Examination after 20 sessions:
Distance VA: RE: 6/6 / 20/20
LE: 6/9 / 20/30 (-1)
Near VA:       RE: J1+
LE: J4

Stereopsis:   70 SOA
Worth 4 Dot: Fusion

Examination after 40 sessions:
Distance VA: RE: 6/6 / 20/20
LE: 6/9 / 20/30
Near VA:       RE: J1+
LE: J1 (-2)

Stereopsis:   70 SOA
Worth 4 Dot: Fusion

Examination after 60 sessions:
Distance VA: RE: 6/6 / 20/20
LE: 6/7.5 (-1) / 20/25 (-1)
Near VA:       RE: J1+
LE: J1(-2)

Stereopsis:   50 SOA
Worth 4 Dot: Fusion

The patient demonstrated an improvement of 2.5 VA lines for distance, 4 VA lines for near, and experienced a significant stereopsis improvement and anti-suppression effect. The patient reported better vision when reading subtitles on TV and in his day-to-day life, and was able to achieve his lifelong dream of obtaining a license for a heavy motorcycle.

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